Call the one-call system at 811 before doing any digging more than 18 inches deep. Make this call at least 48 business hours prior to the project start date. Have the start date, duration, location, type of work, address, nearest street intersection, etc. available when you call.
Local utilities will be notified of your project. In a few days, a locator will arrive to designate the approximate location of any underground lines, pipes, and cables with flags or marking paint so you'll know what's below. Primary electric lines that are located up to the meter will be located at no cost to the member. The 811 service only requires FEM Electric to locate the cooperatives primary wires.
FEM will locate privately owned (secondary) electric lines which is from the meter to services at that location for a fee. This fee is small compared to the cost of hitting a line and/or injuring yourself or causing an outage. For these wires to be located, call FEM Electric directly at 1.800.587.5880. These lines are not located unless a direct call and request is made to FEM Electric. Please mark where you intend to dig with WHITE paint or WHITE flags.
Visit the South Dakota One Call website or call 800.781.7474